hundreds of people showed up at 8am to watch the keystone towers emplode. i saw folks eating donuts and drinking bloody mary's. it took a total of 15 seconds for it to drop, then the toxic cloud of dust blew west. i tried to get a "USA! USA!" chant going, but no one was into it.
this probably doesn't make sense to many of you. but if you know about old hondas you might get a kick out of it. i found this in a used service manual i purchased. can't buy much of this stuff brand new anymore. if he ever finished it, i'm certain is was a bad-ass bike.
i've taken this band for granted over the last few years. i haven't keep up with recent releases and have blown them off when they've played close. hell, if i had the foresight,i could have stood next to members of slayer while watching them last year in fort wayne. last night i went to see them for the first time in years. i was almost falling asleep waiting for them to start, as it was well past midnight on a weeknight. i decided to peek around the corner to see how close they were. right when i caught sight of the stage the first note was struck. i spent the next hour or so completely engulfed in their performance which could be described as a mesh of drone, improve, and chaotic structure. last night jucifer separated themselves from alot on bands in my mind.